Custom Retirement Plan

Telemarketing Services

Custom Retirement Plan Leads

TJ Telemarketing offers Custom Individual Retirement Plan Leads for those who would like full control over their target demographic and message. Popular options are Business Owners, Non Qualified Plans, Tax Savings Concepts and more. Order Exclusive Retirement Plan Prospects who know your name and are interested in Financial Advice.

Full Description

Buy Exclusive Pre-Qualified Custom Retirement Plan Leads


Open up new markets with hot Custom Retirement Plan Leads. Some of our clients want a highly focused, customized Retirement Plan Lead which gives them more potential to earn higher commissions. TJ Telemarketing can secure Owners of small businesses or Owners and/or Top Executives as contacts for you. These are people who have greater assets, putting them in a position to contribute more toward savings and resulting in more income for you on each sale.

With our custom calling Retirement Plan Lead Program you have full control over the businesses we call, who we speak with, as well as the products offered. You can adjust our script to accent your credentials as a Retirement Planning Professional and/or the particular Financial Products you sell. Place an order today and start getting the kind of prospects you want!

Custom Retirement Plan Lead Options:

  • Owners Only (includes Independent Contractors)
  • Owners or Upper Level Managers (includes Administrators, Executives, and General, Store, Site or Business Managers)
  • Choose gross income of business to be contacted
  • Custom scripting is included, let us know key sales points and we will go over them with each prospect

You can acquire a copy of the script by contacting us. Given your lead demographics, we can estimate how many leads we should be able to generate for you in your area.

Example Lead Sheet

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Fully customized Tax Leads, generated just for you!

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Exclusive Pre Qualified Life Leads, generated just for you!

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Custom Life Insurance Leads

Fully customized Life Insurance Leads generated to your specifications!

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