Group Health Insurance

Telemarketing Services

Group Health Insurance Leads

TJ Telemarketing generates Group Health Insurance leads to your specifications.  Let us know what size groups you want to work with, and what sets you apart from the competition and we will put together a custom campaign for your Agency. Order exclusive pre-qualified Group Health Insurance Leads who know your name and are expecting a call.

Full Description

Buy Exclusive Pre-Qualified Group Health Insurance Leads


Open up new markets with hot Group Health Insurance Leads. TJ Telemarketing gets you in contact with a person who is in the “Decision Making Loop” regarding the company’s Group Health Insurance. All Group Health Leads are prospects who know your name and have agreed to hear about the Group Health Insurance solutions you offer.

You are able to customize the language we use for your exclusive pre-qualified group health insurance leads:

We can adjust our standard script and develop a special offer for you which may increase the number of contacts you get. This can include a cross-selling option regarding other products you carry such as Voluntary Benefits, Retirement Planning, Life or Disability Insurance. We can also showcase your experience or value adds to educate the leads and generate more interest. More interest translates into more leads and more sales.

Group health insurance leads can be tailored to your needs, select your target:

  • Employee size ( 2 or more, 5+, 10+, 20+, 5 to 50, 10 to 100, etc. )
  • Geographic Calling Area
  • Business Types To Be Called
  • How you want to be identified

When Renewal Dates are often more than three months away, we incorporate an “Introductory Call Offer”, which asks the person to be willing to get an introductory call now and set up an appropriate time nearer the renewal date for the quote. This provides you more leads – a bigger bang for your buck.

Example Lead Sheet

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Group Voluntary Benefit

Group Voluntary Benefit Leads

Voluntary Benefit Leads are generated by calling businesses you’d like to work for by employee count and type.

Group Voluntary Benefit Leads

Fully customized Voluntary Benefit Leads, generated just for you!

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Life Insurance Lead Pack

TJ Telemarketing generates qualified Life Insurance Leads for agents. We use old-fashioned, person-to-person contact so we can deliver pre-qualified prospects who are expecting your call.

Life Insurance Lead Pack

Exclusive Pre Qualified Life Leads, generated just for you!

Individual and Small Group Health Pre-Leads

Individual & Small Group Health Lead Pack

TJ Telemarketing generates qualified Individual Health Insurance Leads for agents.  You may order healthy individuals only, or individual and small group health leads.

Individual & Small Group Health Lead Pack

Exclusive, Medically Qualified Health Insurance Leads, generated just for you!

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